Five Fast Ways to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting

fast ways to lose weight


You step on the bathroom scale.  It’s up five pounds when last week you were down three.  Frustration sets in.

What am I doing wrong? I’m not eating processed foods. I practice mindful eating. I get physical activity.

I feel like I’m doing everything to aid weight loss. 

You step off, then shuffle to the bedroom mirror and pose at different angles. In your mind, you think, The fat loss isn’t…fast enough!

Let’s talk about, fast healthy, and balanced ways to lose weight. I know, it feels like every corner of the internet is shouting a new miracle solution – keto gummies, anyone? But those rarely work long-term.

This isn’t about chasing those fleeting trends of weight loss. This is about making sustainable changes that promote weight control and lasting results. We’re going to break down evidence-backed strategies and sprinkle in some surprisingly simple yet effective tweaks you can make starting today. Fast ways to lose weight don’t have to mean drastic, unhealthy measures, and I’m going to show you exactly how in five simple sustainable ways.

Table Of Contents:

Why the Obsession With “Fast”?

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: that burning desire for quick results. I get it. We live in a world obsessed with instant gratification. Plus, there’s the understandable desire to see progress quickly when you’re putting in the hard work for rapid weight loss.

The Problem With Crash Diets

But here’s the thing: Crash diets backfire. Big time. Dropping a dress size in a week might feel awesome, but research shows it’s usually not sustainable. Why? You’re more likely to gain the weight back – and then some. Perhaps leading to an unhealthy eating pattern.

Not only that but these extreme diets mess with your metabolism. This makes losing weight in the long run even harder. Plus, severely restricting your calorie intake can lead to nutrient deficiencies, impacting your energy levels and overall health.

Smart Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss

Ready to ditch the quick fixes and embrace sustainable changes? Excellent. These are the methods backed by real science to help you reach your goals:

1. Rethink Your Plate: Prioritize Protein and Fiber

You’ve heard it a million times, but let’s talk about why it works. Protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied, which is helpful for weight loss. Studies show this can lead to eating fewer calories throughout the day (2020 study). It can also help with keeping lean muscle and body mass.

Plus, it takes more energy for your body to digest protein, giving your metabolism a little boost. Think lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, lentils – you’ve got options.


A bowl of oatmeal for fiber


Now let’s talk fiber. It acts like a superhero for your digestive system and keeps things moving. Ever notice how you feel fuller after a big salad? That’s dietary fiber at work. A 2019 study found that getting enough fiber helps people stick to their healthy eating plans better. Stock up on whole grains, veggies, fruits, and legumes. Your gut will thank you.

2. Intermittent Fasting: Giving Your Body a Break

Intermittent fasting is a trendy phrase these days. I know, another buzzword. But this isn’t about depriving yourself; it’s about changing WHEN you eat, not necessarily WHAT you eat.

Essentially, it involves cycling between periods of eating and not eating. Popular methods include the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and having an 8-hour eating window) or the 5:2 diet (eating normally for 5 days and restricting calories for 2 days). Another is the Eat Stop Eat method – fasting for 24-hours at least twice a week.

Several studies have indicated that short-term intermittent fasting, up to 26 weeks, can be as successful for losing weight as sticking to a daily low-calorie plan. Think of it as hitting the reset button on your metabolism.

3. Hydrate Your Way to Success

Ever chugged a giant glass of water thinking it was a meal? You’ve been there, huh? While it’s no substitute for food, staying hydrated is important for weight management, especially during a fasting period. A 2021 study showed drinking more water throughout the day helped older adults with both shedding pounds AND keeping them off. So, carry that water bottle everywhere you go. Bonus points if you add a squeeze of lemon – natural flavor boost.


4. Prioritize Quality Sleep: This Isn’t a Luxury

In our go-go-go society, sleep is often the first thing to be sacrificed. I’ll admit, even I’ve been guilty of it. But here’s the deal – when you’re sleep deprived, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol. And guess what cortisol loves to do? Hold onto fat.

Plus, studies say a lack of sleep slows down your metabolism. It’s like hitting the brakes on your weight loss journey. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality shut-eye. Your body and mind (and your scale.) will be happier for it.

5. Stress Less, Live More

I know, easier said than done. Life throws curveballs. But finding healthy ways to manage that stress is key, not just for peace of mind, but for your waistline too. Ever find yourself stress-eating a bag of chips? Cortisol strikes again.

When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol, increasing your appetite and potentially leading to weight gain. Plus, stress can wreak havoc on your sleep (and we already know how crucial sleep is for losing weight.) Researchers found that when you actively manage stress while also following a reduced-calorie diet, it can really have an effect on reducing BMI, particularly in younger people.

Making It Stick: Turning Fast Results Into Lifelong Habits

Look, finding fast ways to lose weight can be an awesome jumpstart, but the real magic happens when you make them part of your lifestyle. It’s those small, consistent changes that make the biggest difference. There is no need to overhaul everything at once. Maybe it’s incorporating an extra veggie into each meal. Staying away from highly processed foods. Or ditching the sugary sodas for good. Perhaps, keeping track of what you eat.

Experiment, find what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


Finding genuinely fast ways to lose weight involves shifting your focus from quick fixes to strategies for long-term weight loss success. Embrace the journey, ditch those restrictive diets, and start incorporating sustainable habits. You’ve got this.

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