Double Your Results: How Calorie Counting Supercharges Intermittent Fasting for Ultimate Weight Loss!

You stare at the Nutrition Facts on packages and wonder and think, What the heck!  

Never fear, Fasting Dude is here.

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Four top reasons to track macros with an app:

  • Precision Meets Simplicity: Calorie counting gives you precise control over your intake, ensuring you stay within your goals, while intermittent fasting simplifies your eating schedule. Together, they create a no-nonsense approach.
  • Enhanced Fat Loss : When you combine the power of calorie control with the metabolic boost from intermittent fasting, fat loss becomes more efficient. It’s like hitting the gas pedal and the turbo boost at the same time.
  • Sustainable Lifestyle: Calorie counting helps you make informed choices without feeling deprived, and intermittent fasting allows for flexibility in your meal timing.
  • I ncreased Awareness and Mindfulness: Tracking calories encourages mindfulness about what you’re eating, while intermittent fasting shifts the focus to when you’re eating. Together, they promote a balanced approach that keeps you more in tune with your body’s needs, helping you develop healthier habits over time.

Badass Tracking App


The best habit is adapting your caloric intake as you lose weight.  The Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is what is needed to assist you in dropping weight and maintaining it.

For more information about calories and how much you might need, go to this article to help you find out how many calories an adult needs in a day.